Sunday, February 21, 2010

Plastic adhesives and acrylic?

I mean their actual names, not company names. I would like to know one that would join acrylic to acrylic, rigid polystyrene to rigid polystyrene and expanded polystyrene to expanded polystyrene. These all need to be different. Thanks in advance. Could you also tell me the main disadvantage of usign acrylic sheet in school D and T that can make it an unsuitable choicePlastic adhesives and acrylic?
I use this stuff lots and I get all of my materials from a place in Cambridge. Unlike a previous post said, you can do loads with it if you have the right glues....Plastic adhesives and acrylic?
Tensol cement is the best thing for gluing acrylic together!

Not sure about polysterene
Try Unibond 'No more nails', that sticks just about anything to anything else!
none of them work well go get them done they will look better and stay on longer diy just cant compare unless you are a pro
you'd do well to phone the technical helplines for Bostik or Geocel to tell you about the adhesives available - or email them.

a wholesaler of plastics sheets, i can't suggest anyone, would probably help you on the acrylic sheet question.
many of the acrylic-acrylic systems are solvent based acrylics themselves. since acrylic can be solvated with MEK, most of them utilize this. So, someone takes a binder/block acrylic resin (aka PMMA beads) and dissolves. the solvent attacks the sheets, and leaves acrylic behind.

same thing with the PS- some are solvent based systems with far less aggressive solvents. EtOH would probably work. Most of the time, I believe these are thermally welded systems, however.

Acrylics and PS can also be glued together with methacrylates (ITW Plexus and 3M 8010)

I don't know what D and T is (dimension and tolerance)? If so, acrylic is not thermally stable and has a huge CTE versus metals and glass. most acrylics soften/melt ~100C

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